Tuesday, April 02, 2024

The MPU Library provides you with a TRIAL access to the following dissertation library:

World Disseration Library (WDL) is a high-quality scholar database specialized in dissertations, thesis, and academic papers. It has more than 2,000 educational institutions all over the planet, from more than 150 countries and regions. Focusing on the world's top 100 universities and colleges, the coverage rate of international key institutions has exceeded 95%. It is dedicated to providing the best information service to educators, teachers, researchers, and students in every major discipline, including but not limited to science and technology, engineering sciences, agronomy, medicine and health, social sciences, economy, management science, and more.

TRIAL ACCESS HERE info Trial access until 1st June 2024.

Please feel free to contact MPU Library with any feedback or inquiry you might have regarding this database.

Notice 06-2024