Undergraduate Graduation Reports

The Library has stopped collecting the Undergraduate Graduation Reports, the final academic year we collected is 2011/2012.
Faculty of Arts and Design (FAD)
Bachelor in Music (Educational)
Bachelor of Arts in Design
Bachelor of Arts in Design (Complementary)
Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Communication
Bachelor of Arts in Music (Education/Performance)
Bachelor of Visual Arts (Educational)
Faculty of Business (FCG)
Bachelor of Accounting & Finance
Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing
Bachelor of E-Commerce
Bachelor of Management
Bachelor of Management
Bachelor of Science in E-Commerce
Higher Diploma In Electro-Mechanical Engineering Maintenance & Management
Faculty of Health Sciences and Sports (FCSD)
Bachelor of Physical Education
Bachelor of Science in Physical Education and Sports
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FCHS)
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Administration
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Administration (Chinese)
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Administration (Portuguese)
Faculty of Languages and Translation (FLT)
Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation
Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation
Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-Portuguese Translation and Interpretation
Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-Portuguese Translation and Interpretation